Blog Archive

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Publishing RobotFramework reports in Azure Blob Storage
In this article I'm describing new functionality added to rf-service - publishing RobotFramework reports in Azure Blob Storage. Read More ›

Centralizing Ansible logs using fluentd and Azure
In this video I'm showing how to build centralized logging for ansible playbooks using fluentd and Azure Log Analytics. Read More ›

Inspecting python tools using eBPF
In this article I'm describing how easy you could use bcc utilities (eBPF) to inspect tools on your system with ansible as an example. Read More ›

CircleCI setup for Python project
In this video I'm showing how to setup a CircleCI pipeline for your Python project. Read More ›

K3d/K3s in CircleCI
In this article I'm describing CircleCI k3d/k3s orb that I've created. It allows creating new k8s cluster for each of your builds. Read More ›

Unlocking eBPF power
My first steps with eBPF. In this article I'm describing how I used bluetooth tracing with eBPF to handle locking of my laptop. Read More ›

ChatOps level up with StackStorm
In this video I'm showing how to build complete flow with slack, errbot and stackstorm. As an example I'm showing building jenkins jobs from slack. Read More ›

Testing with octopus
In this article I'm describing how I made KubeLibrary, rf-service and octopus work together. Read More ›

Introduction to ChatOps. Errbot + Slack integration.
In this video I'm talking about basics of ChatOps. In practical part I'm showing how to integrate Errbot with Slack. Read More ›

Intro to Vue.js. Testing on kubernetes - rf-service frontend
In this article I'm showing my first steps in Vue.js by adding simple frontend to the existing rf-service. Read More ›

Ansible in Rundeck
In this video I'm showing how to use Ansible in Rundeck. Existing Rundeck helm chart was enhanced with ansible capabilities. Read More ›

Testing on kubernetes - rf-service
In this article I'm showing how to run robotframework tests from k8s cluster. Read More ›

Rundeck access control
In this video I'm explaining Rundeck access control by building up simple set of policies for nonadmin user. Read More ›

Testing on kubernetes with KubeLibrary
In this article I'm showing KubeLibrary that was written to enable testing on kubernetes using RobotFramework. Read More ›

Rundeck on kubernetes
In this video I'm giving short demo of Rundeck with configuration of automatic job import from git repository. Also, explaining setup script that I introduced to Rundeck helm chart, so that users can configure Rundeck on startup. Read More ›

Setting up local k8s dev environment with k3d and skaffold
In this article I'm describing how to setup decent kubernetes development environment using k3s/k3d and skaffold. Read More ›

Kubernetes services​
In this video I'm talking about Kubernetes services - types, usage and implementation on iptables. Read More ›

Modernizing image builds using BuildKit
In this article I'm showing bunch of BuildKit features that can make your container images builds easier, faster and more secured. Read More ›

Kubernetes network policies with Calico (Canal)​
In this video I'm explaining how canal (calico + flannel) differs from pure flannel networking and in second part I'm giving short introduction to network policies in kubernetes. Read More ›

Container image security in 4 questions
In this article I'm trying to address some of the container image security concerns that might come up when writing your own dockerfiles. How container image will be used might not be your worry, but it doesn't mean that security cannot be enhanced at build/publish time. Read More ›

Introduction to k8s container networking with flannel​
In this video I'm showing how container networking works on kubernetes cluster using flannel and how this differs from local container environment. Read More ›

Githooks, awk and aspell - stirred, not shaken.
In this article I'm explaining automation created by me that allows spell checking for articles in my jekyll site. I thought it is perfect occasion to give some introduction to githooks, awk and aspell. Read More ›

Exposing own services in Kyma service catalog
In this video I'm showing how to expose Grafana service in Kyma service catalog using helm-broker and helmi. Prepared as part of talk 'Cloud Lego with Kyma'. Read More ›

Quick hints on starting with k8s effectively
Basic hints on k8s tooling that should help you when starting journey with kubernetes. Easy to understand and ready to be applied right away to boost basic activities on your cluster. Read More ›

Firsts steps in Kyma service catalog
First steps in Kyma service catalog. I'm showing how to spawn Azure broker and deploy Cosmosdb from its offering. Then I'm creating simple db reader and writer using script and Kyma lambda. Prepared as part of talk 'Cloud Lego with Kyma'. Read More ›

Kyma cluster installation walk-through
Video that walks through Kyma installation on non-managed kubernetes cluster. Poviding some basic hints on installation configuration, process and troubleshooting. Prepared as part of talk 'Cloud Lego with Kyma'. Read More ›